
Dan janganlah kamu mengikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, semuanya akan diminta pertanggungjawabannya

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Galau Itu Rasanya....

maaf gambarnya gak pake jilbab...

Kenapa galau?....
Ya galaulah, kalo di usia 30 an belum menikah...
Kalu sebelum usia 30 sudah menikah, sudah punya anak...gak akan ngerasain galaunya cewek usia diatas 30 tapi belum menikah. Bukan karena dia memilih untuk tidak menikah, tapi memang belum datang lelaki yang 'berani' melamar. 

Nah sekalinya dapet tawaran 'ikhwan', eh ternyata ikhwannya itu cuman lulusan SMA yang kerjanya juga gak mapan-mapan banget. 

Gimana gak kalau pas dapat tawaran 'ikhwan' itu dari murrobi sendiri. Mau nolak gak enak, diterima juga rasanya gimana gitu. Gimana gak galau kalau harapan dapet jodoh itu minimal dari pendidikannya gak jauh-jauh ama kita, yah minimal sarjana juga lah. Gak kebayang dong kalau obrolan kita gak nyambung. Apalagi kalau si gue tuh orangnya rada belagu banyak. hahahha... Bakalan malu bin tengsin juga kan kalau lagi ketemuan ama 'geng' akhwat semasa kuliah yang udah pada nikah yang suaminya pada hebat-hebat di pendidikannya yang rata-rata udah pada master trus kerjanya dah pada mapan. Gimana gak tengsin bawa suami yang cuman lulusan SMA...

Tapiiiiiiiiiiiii... Allah Maha Adil, Kita harus yakin lah kalau Allah ngasih jodoh yang paling pas dan cocok buat kita. Inget aja apa yang menurut kita keren belum tentu keren di hadapan Allah. Yang lulusan S2 kan keren tuh dipandangan manusia tapi belum tentu keren menurut Allah kan. Tapi bakalan keren banget kalau keren dipandangan manusia dan juga Allah. Pasti kerennya dobel kudrat dah.

Gila aja kalau berpikiran untuk merendahkan suami kita yang mimpin kita dalam pernikahan. Emang sih pendidikan suami lebih rendah tapi gak juga kan kita merendahkan dia atau malu dengan keadaannya. Bisa jadi suami yang cuman lulusan SMA ini yang bawa kita ke surga. Lah siapa yang nolak kalau nanti kita masuk surga. Daripada suami berpendidikan tinggi, duit banyak, kedudukan bagus tapi gak mampu bawa kita ke surga. Tapi bakalan lebih enak kalau suami berpendidikan tinggi, ganteng, kaya trus bawa kita ke surga...yeeey itu sih namanya greedy alias rakus. Enak banget kita kalau dapet suami yang kaya gitu...lah pasti asyik lah...

Ini nih efek jeleknya kebanyakan nonton drama korea. Mimpi en harapannya ketinggian. Secara cerita drama korea tuh jual mimpi banget. Cowok ganteng plus kaya raya jatuh cinta ama cewek yang biasa biasa aja yang ekonominya pas pas an. Atau CEO perusahaan gede lulusan luar negeri eh cintanya ama cewe yang sekolah aja cuman lulusan SMA. Kayanya mulai sekarang harus brenti nonton drama korea yang cowoknya ganteng, kaya, en pinter deh. Jadi bikin daya khayal melembung tinggi. Jadi nontonnya drama yang cowoknya gak kaya-kaya banget gak ganteng juga, kalau bisa yang cewenya cantik dapetin cowoknya yang jelek en miskin plus kumel...hahahha...tapi gak ada lah drakor yang macam gituan...jiah malah ngomongin drakor deh...

Back to galau-galau an. Kita tuh, terutama banget saya sendiri nih musti sadar kalau hidup di dunia ini sangat sangat singkat. Jadi gak usah lah nyombongin diri. Jangan dikira kita udah punya pendidikan tinggi eeeh malah merendahkan orang. Belum tentu juga hidup kita bahagia di dunia apalagi masuk surga.

Yaaaah, si gue mah apalah cuman manusia biasa aja yang bisanya cuma ngarep kalau Allah ngasih suami yang terbaik di hadapan-Nya, suami yang bisa bawa keluarganya ke surga. Yang juga bisa ngebahagiain di dunia. Udah cukup gitu aja....

#Dalam rangka menghalau galau karena dapet tawaran ikhwan lulusan SMA....^_^...

Monday 28 March 2016

Spartace Couple: Step By Step to the Truth

For Spartace Couple shipper, episode 291 might be seemed irritating and annoying. Yes, half of episode was about Monday Couple. We were forced to watch their first dating in 6 years. Maybe many SA shippers didn't eager to watch that episode. 

Otherwise, for me. I watched that episode and hoping that I got some hints about our lovely couple. We're as SA shippers so lucky. They gave us lil bit hints about Spartace. 

When Monday Couple were dating in a restaurant. Gary kept saying that it's awkward. He said it would be more natural if they did it 3 years ago. For me, it's totally fishy. Why did Gary say that the dating would be natural if they did it 3 years ago. Is it because 3 years ago, Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo didn't dating yet?.... And Now... They're in relationship and make Gary feel awkward because KJK is his big brother, so SJH will be called sister in law?....

SJH said that she never went out personally with Gary. She said that she went eating once with LKS and went tanning several times with KJK. And at this time Gary said that it's weird that KJK and SJH went out together often. 

Don't you feel that they will reveal something in the future?.....

Sunday 27 March 2016

Running Man: How The Commander Deals with His Preys

It is known that the most powerful and popular Kim Jong Kook character in Running Man is the Commander. I like the way he finished his preys. He did the smart tactic, ambushed in meticulous way and then grabbed his preys perfectly.

I know that the Commander is often hesitated in 'killing' his idol preys. But still the way he got his preys always make me in an awe.

Korean Drama: They look Good in Hanbok

Hanbok is Korean traditional clothes. Hanbok looks a little bit feminine. but not if our male leads wear that. They will still look manly in Hanbok.

I like  Park Si Hoo best in hanbok. He played his character in 'Princess Man' outstandingly. From a cute sassy royal teacher to rough macho rebel. 

Song Joong Ki wears hanbok perfectly. He wore hanbok for his scholar role in 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' and a king in 'Deep Rooted Tree''

Micky Yoochun also wears hanbok very well. He played a prince and a scholar role.

Don't forget we also have a general Min Jeong Ho in 'Dae Jang Geum'

Then we have Jae Hee as Lee Mong Ryong in 'Sassy Girl Choonhyang' and as Hyun Chi Soo in 'Jang Ok Jung'

Korean Dramas: Yummy Chefs

Korean dramas also have yummy chef as their male role.

We have Ji Chang Wook as Lee Donghae in 'Smile You'. He played a cute chef and also a chaebol grandson.

 And we have an evil handsome chef Nam Gong Min from 'Sensory Couple'

We have idol chef, Lee Dong Hae from 'Panda and Hedgehog'

Korean Drama: They Look 'Yummy' In Uniform

We love Korean dramas, right. We love the actors. We love the handsome male leads. It will be great to watch them in uniform, army or police uniform. We saw lots of idols or actors went to army to do their duty. We saw them in uniform. But, not much dramas with male leads in soldier or police uniform. Thank God, we are so lucky now. Thanks to Descendant of the Sun which give us the male leads in uniform.

Here it is, our male lead Song Joong Ki as Captain Yoo Ji Sin. He played it very well. He did it. He did his army duty and came back as a soldier. Good job Capt. Joong Ki nailed it. He turned from cute doctor to amazing soldier.

And also mayor sergeant Seo Dae Young who stole the Commander's daughter heart.

Don't forget our veteran actor Jang Dong Gun and Won Bin from Taegukki.

They look good in cop uniform.

Ups, I almost forgot... We have Lee Jong Suk wearing a cop uniform in 'I hear Your Voice'. In the end of the drama, Lee Jong Suk as Park Soo Ha showed up in a cop uniform.

Korean Drama: Handsome and Smart Reporters

Korean dramas make me glued to my laptop for hours on end. Thanks to the Hallyu wave sweeping the globe, so, all fans around the world can enjoy the dramas, the actors, the actress, and also the beautiful soundtracks. There so many reasons why we keep watching the dramas and glued ourselves to the screen. One of them is the male role. There're many roles we can enjoy through Korean dramas. The chaebol sons are maybe the most popular among Korean male roles. The reporters maybe the rare role in K-drama. Not much drama which chose journalist as their main theme in drama. I found 'Pinocchio' is the only drama with journalist as their main theme. I don't know other dramas, but I only found journalist main theme in Pinocchio.

Of course our smart and cute journalist, Ki Ha Myung or Choi Dal Po.

and also the capt of YGN

don't forget the reporter from MCN, Seo Bum Jo.

Then we have Jung Kyung ho as a journalist in 'One More Happy Ending'

We have idol journalist, Choi Siwon from 'She Was Pretty'.

Saturday 26 March 2016

Korean Drama: We Love Chaebol Sons

Korean dramas make us glued to the screen for hours to end. Thanks to the Hallyu wave sweeping the globe, so all K-drama fans around the world are able to enjoy the dramas, actors, actress, and also its beautiful soundtrack. There huge reasons why we keep watching the dramas and glued ourselves to the screen. One of them is the male role. There're various roles we can enjoy through K-dramas. The chaebol sons are maybe the most popular role. How can't we love the chaebol sons as they're extremely rich, handsome, smart (but sometimes little bit dull), and also romatic (maybe rude in the beginning)

Of course my favorite chaebol son is Kin Jong Woon in Secret Garden. Hyun Bin played the role very well. He played a smart CEO. He was rude in the beginning and romantic in process. He's handsome and rich. He has beautiful house. Maybe he's a standard for chaebol son's role. He gave a perfect vibe of chaebol son's role. 

Ji Sung also gave a great vibe as a chaebol son. He played 'babo' and lazy chaebol son in 'Protect the Boss', while he played the chaebol son perfectly in 'Kill Me Heal Me'. I like the Shin Se Gi version.

I first wacthed chaebol son role in 'What Happened in Bali'. Jo In Sung played the role very well. He's arrogant yet handsome. But, I don't like the ending. I regretted watching the ending. If I knew the ending would be tragic, I wouldn't watch it. But I Sung perfectly played the role.

Ji Jin Hee played a chaebol son in 'I Have a Lover'. But Jin Hee didn't play the role as the chaebol son should be. He wasn't arrogant either rude. He had a good manner as chaebol son. I also like this chaebol son version. Cheabol son do not need to be arrogant or rude in the beginning.

Park Si Hoo played a chaebol son in Cheongdamdong Alice. He played a chaebol son who against his chaebol dad. He crawled the position with his own self.

Joo Ji Hoon played vulnerable chaebol son in 'Mask' and also he played the prince in 'Princess Hours' perfectly.

Park Hae Jin played a mysterious handsome chaebol son in 'Cheese in the Trap'