
Dan janganlah kamu mengikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, semuanya akan diminta pertanggungjawabannya

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

Monday 29 February 2016

SpartAce Couple: I Allow It Because It's You

Jihyo said herself that she's a quick temper. She's getting angry easily. We watch a lot when she lost her control and yelled. She said that she didn't like people sing for her. She hated when a man sing a song for her. But when KJK sang a song for her, she totally liked it.

JH said that she didn't like when LKS cares her hair, but we know that JK often cares her hair and pats her head.

Then in episode 147, flower boys competition. JK shoved JH intentionally, JH wasn't angry, she's just smile. But when Gary did the same thing, she's annoyed and yelled at him... lol (poor Gary). If you're curious to see how difference JH toward JK and Gary, just watch episode 147.

In the latest episode, 288. JH was picked to go to Jejudo for the mission. I found out the she's not happy to go doing the mission with Gary, meanwhile, when she did the mission and went somewhere with KJK, she seemed so happy, she even took a selca together with JK. And JH walked toward the restaurant with him cheerfully. You can watch episode 249 and 288 to compare and see the difference.

JH only allow his man, JK to help her in every mission she had to do. She often ask JK to help her. In episode 285, when she had to do the mission, she asked JK to help her. At the first, LKS offered a hand and tried to help her but she refused him (poor Kwangsoo). Then JH asked JK to help her. I guess JH felt more secure with JK.

JK often allow JH to do everything to him even the bad ones...JK allowed JH to bite him, pinch him, kick him, punch him, hit him and so on. JK's never angry to her. If JH yelled at him, he would just smile. 
He allowed her to bite him...
He allowed to grab his hair...
to be continued....

SpartaAce Couple: I Served You

It's quite long time I do not write something about our lovely couple. But, after I watched Running Man episode 288 and found out that JH said something that made me curious about their relationship. When they were in Kwang Soo's house and did a mission. They ordered chicken soup or something, then JH said that the chicken breast was for JK. I smelled something fishy. I know that every member knew that JK likes to eat chicken breast. But, I felt different vibe when JH said it. Many viewers noticed that JK was not in good condition. And I think JH was lil bit worry about JK. When they chose which member who had to go to Jejudo, I know that everyone was unwilling to go there, but I think JH was unwilling to go to Jejudo because she knew that JK was not well and actually want there beside JK to take care him (or maybe it's just my delusional mind... lol).
Jihyo who said it...

Did you notice they walk side by side (or maybe hug side each other) when they walked toward LKS's house?... Yes, I saw it.They walked side by side and did a side hug.

They walked and side-hugged each other behind Jaesuk...
They often feed each other.

to be continued ....

Thursday 25 February 2016

Diet Kantong Plastik

Akhirnya pemerintah menetapkan ketentuan bahwa kantong plastik yang digunakan di mini market, super market dan hypermarket tidak lagi gratis alias berbayar dengan harga 200 perak saja. Banyak pihak yang pro dengan kebijakan ini dan tak sedikit juga yang kontra. Yang mendukung kebijakan ini, tentu saja ingin berkontribusi untuk pengurangan sampah plastik. Katanya Indonesia ini penyumbang sampah plastik terbesar ke 2 di dunia. Tapi saya kurang setuju dengan kebijakan ini, saya kurang setuju dengan kisaran harga kantok plastiknya yang terlampau murah. Saya sih berharapnya tuh kantong plastik dihargain minimal 1000 perak. Apa pasal, 200 perak itu masih kemurahan, masih bisa kebeli lah, harga 200 perak sekarang tuh gak ada harganya. Kalau 1000 rupiah kan yang belanja agak mikir juga. Nah, diharapkan pembeli bakal bawa kantong sendiri ketika belanja. 

Tapi ternyata oh ternyata, banyak pihak juga yang kontra ama kebijakan ini. Mereka berpendapat jika kebijakan pemerintah ini mendzolimi masyarakat. Please deh ah, tuh sampah plastik mendzolimi alam. Trus mereka juga berpendapat kalau plastik wadah minyak goreng, mie instan atau produk produk lainnya juga kan limbah plastik. Please lagi deh mikir dooong, tuh minyak goreng kalau gak pake kemasan plastik trus pake apa dong atau produk lain yang kemasannya plastik juga gimana kalau gak dikemas. 

Jadi, kalau menurut saya sih, apa yang bisa kita lakukan yah lakukan lah sebisa kita. Kita bisa kan kalau belanja itu bawa kantong sendiri dari rumah. BISA KAN?.... lakuin aja lah apa yang emang kita bisa lakukan untuk mengurangi limbah/ sampah plastik ini. 

Nah, kemanain dong uang hasil 'jualan' kantong plastiknya. Banyak yang belum tau kemanain tuh dana yang bakalan gede banget itu. Jadinya suudzon deh kita ama dana yang segede itu. Nah, saya tanyain lah ama sepupu saya yang aktivis diet kantong plastik (koordinator harian gerakan diet kantong plastik). Nah, dia bilang dana dari jualan kantong plastik itu akan digunain buat edukasi tentang sampah plastik dan gimana biar masyarakat paham tentang sampah plastik ini. 

Yaaah, jadi mulai sekarang kita mulai dari diri sendiri aja lah. Kita diet kantong plastik bukan karena pemerintah menetapkan kebijakan kantong plastik berbayar tapi karena kita ingin berkontribusi untuk menyelamatkan alam. 

Udah gitu aja...